How to Use Beeswax Wraps
Making the transition to using Goldilocks Goods beeswax wraps regularly in your home may seem like a huge lifestyle shift at first, however, we promise it’s easier than you expect and so worthwhile! It’s a small swap that has a big impact on the environment and it’s also a healthier decision for your home. Plastics aren’t just negative for the environment, they’re not great for people either. We don’t know about you, but wrapping food in plastic just doesn’t feel right to us. In fact, plastic is has now been declared as toxic in Canada. Beeswax wraps, on the other hand, are natural, allow your food to breathe, keeping it fresh for longer and help divert more food waste from the compost bin.
Open Them, Use Them, Reuse Them
This may seem self-explanatory but you’d be surprised how many people are afraid to use their Goldilocks beeswax wraps because they’re so beautiful! We get it, they are pretty darn cute, but please don’t let them just sit in your drawers collecting dust! We want them to inspire you to live a low waste life and make you happy each time you reach for them.

Don’t Be Too Gentle
Your wraps were made for everyday use. Each beeswax wrap is made by hand with 100% natural cotton and washed before our wax mixture is applied so it can fully saturate the cotton. That’s why our wraps are some of the best on the market. So get in there and scrunch up your wraps, apply pressure and wash them with bristled brushes. Trust us, they can handle it.

Wrap Your Food
You can use your beeswax wraps to cover bowls and jars, or wrap your avocado halves, cheese and more! The breathable and antibacterial qualities of our beeswax wraps allow your food to breathe and last longer than when wrapped in saran wrap.
Find Creative Uses
While wrapping your food is the obvious use, there are so many more uses for beeswax wraps. Bunch up a medium wrap to create a wine stop, roll a large wrap to create a funnel, wrap your toothbrush in a small wrap before camping. The list goes on.

Wash Them
When your wraps need a wash, just remember to use cool, soapy water. Heat and wax do not mix! If they’re not overly dirty, you can simply rinse them and leave them to try. If they have a bit of residue on them, just wipe them with a damp cloth. If they have leftover food dried on them, don’t be afraid to use a bristled brush, soap and cold water to lightly scrub the residue away.

Refresh Them
Did someone in your household accidentally wash your wraps in warm/hot water? No stress! You can refresh your wraps and extend their lifecycle by ironing them under two sheets of parchment paper (one below, one on top.) It helps redistribute the wax and makes them good to use for far longer. You can also use our refresher bar to grate enough shavings to lightly sprinkle over the wrap, before following the steps outlined above. This will just add an extra bit of the wax mixture to give your wraps even more longevity.

Bring Them With You
Heading to work for the day and know you’ll be left with half an avocado? Stick a wrap in your lunch kit! Going camping or travelling? Wrap your toothbrush in a small wrap and tuck some wraps into your pack for easy use later. They’re lightweight and durable for adventures big and small.

The End?
At the end of your wraps life (usually after a year or more,) you can compost your wrap or use it as a fire starter!